Pharmacist – Forensic Pathology Jurisprudence [Japan, Death / Grind] (2020)


Self Released | 6-20-20

Holy shit this is messy. I love it. First of all that logo is so nasty I want it on a shirt or at least a backpatch with the album art. Pharmacist’s name and album title is almost as weird as the choice of music since nothing really fits together but in its haphazard chaos, there is momentum for a stellar release of death / grind that cares less about form and more about brute force. If one can get past the snare drum that beats on you with a tire iron, then you are in for a gross disaster that is beautiful in its attitude.

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Anatomia / Pazuzu – Indwelling Morbidity [Japan / Costa Rica, Death / Doom] (2020)


Jubokko Productions | 3-13-20

So I am going with the current Bandcamp on this release and who is supporting it. Anatomia is fairly well known with a 2017 full length from Nuclear War Now but Pazuzu is a bit more obscure. This split was self released but then is also tagged as coming out from Cain Records and now Jubokko Productions. Let us just assume that there are around 100 tapes floating in the ether with some nasty riff filled death /doom. I do not think I could come up with a more perfect pair as the fatalism from Anatomia combined with the sledgehammer kick of Pazuzu makes for a split that is both intriguing as injury inducing.

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明日の叙景 – 過誤の鳥 [Japan, Post Black / Hardcore] (2016)



Post black is difficult to discuss because no one can really agree on what it is. Supposedly an extension on black metal it has come to be an umbrella term for blackgaze, atmospheric black with heavy post rock elements, and just straight up experimental black. If one was to really pin down the style with a few descriptions it would be starting around black metal and then traveling to far off places usually ending up with unconventional themes and imagery. Aside from a few social media pages, there is little about 明日の叙景(Asunojokei)aside from being a hardcore/post-something band from Tokyo. If one was to really pin down the band with a few descriptions it would be energetic with a well of potential.

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