Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
“Quest music and OST’s from a host of fully-imagined adventure games from the late 80’s/Early 90s.” Yes, this is everything I love. Dungeon synth and CRPG music have many things in common and the idea of creating fictionalized OSTs for games that could have existed has been done in the past and it is always a fun aesthetic. Skeletronomicon IV: The Quest for Daelgron is the debut release from the project Elvenverse but in the imaged lore it is the fourth installment in the Skeletronomicon game series. While no date is given for Skeletronomicon IV: The Quest for Daelgron one could assume early 90’s given the predecessor Skeletronomicon III: Necroforge was fictionally released in 1989. this would mean Skeletronomicon IV would have the same visual and processing power as Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos (1993), Betrayal at Krondor (1993), or even The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall (1996). Spending time imagining the graphics and mechanics of this game is half of the fun especially given the time spent giving plot summaries of the game.
Four years have passed since the vanquishing of Lord Xarguul, the conquest of the Necroforge and your safe return home. It is the eve of Moonfire once more, and, as you slumber at your desk, the book of Skeletronomicon turns itself open, upon an icy breeze, again to the black page… Pulling you through the portal and into the lost realm for the fourth time. As you cross the Skytower, you realise these lands are not quite as you remember. The Warlock Daelgron, your oldest ally, exiled and missing… The Hero’s keep burned and baring a charred, empty, throne…Nothingness. Save a strangely discarded map pointing to the forbidden roads.
This is the text which greets you as you preview the sample track “Fortstormer.” The sounds are bouncing chiptunes which begs you to think of either a title screen or an overworld map showing your location in the fictional land. there is something I respect about an idea which is pushed to its logical limits. Elvenverse is not just creating a Chiptune / DS record rather they are magically wishing something that does not exists to be an object of this reality. Skeletronomicon IV: The Quest for Daelgron is a game which came out in 1993 and from what I remember it is a game I still like to pick up from time to time and do another play through. Additionaly the soundtrack was pretty great from what I remember.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
As per usual, this is tagged as dungeon synth but it really is something else entirely. Adam Matlock is the creator of project that around the mid to late 2010’s people would recognize including Conqueror’s Mourn, Pendragon, and of course Nahadoth. Matlock’s project include a penchant for esoteric instruments and handdrawn album designs and packaging. For the past couple of years things have been quiet with only a few releases from the projects until yesterday. Walking Tunes of the Valley Mourners is the first release of 2023 an entire year since the last full length and whether or not this is the start of more material we shall see but for now we have an entire full length of dungeon synth adjacent music.
Walking Tunes of the Valley Mourners is a conversation between an accordion and lyre. The first provides the long drones which fill the landscape with large strokes while the second provides its highlights. The result is something which feels both traditional and unconventional for the genre of music. There is an inherent sadness which comes with these instruments and the choice to use them only reflects a desire to express melancholy. In fact, Walking Tunes of the Valley Mourners comes with a lengthy piece of text which feels allegorical and only fully known to its creator.
Nahadoth is no stranger to more common sounding dungeon synth as their past catalog would prove yet this body of work would also show someone who isn’t really apart of any sound. Matlock is a composer of many things and dungeon synth was a style in which they participated in and had much success. Walking Tunes of the Valley Mourners is something else entirely but starting at dungeon synth perhaps makes the most sense for now.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
Allow the noise to wash over me. Ithildin Tape Production has existed since 2022 as a repository for many projects made by US based musician Elminster. Enchanted Mail could be another Elminster project but at this moment it is going to take dedicated research as the roster and releases from Ithildin are many. I am just going to say it is probably another Elminster project. I do not want to disparage the work of Ithildin as for as many releases in their repertoire (60 thus far in 2023), it might not be possible to listen to everything. Ithildin embodies experimentation and with the amount of releases they do, this label / collective / artist pushes the boundaries of dungeon synth. I is the full length from Enchanted Mail which is described as a “Naïve dungeon synth inspired by pen and paper RPGs.” While the subject matter and approach might not be entirely novel, Enchanted Mail’s embrace of decaying noise and corrosive percussion is an interesting addition to the already expanse of sound for the style. The eponymous track “Enchanted Mail” sees the a lush soundscape of dungeon synth fed through a paper shredder and then transcribed through fax machine. Ithildin and their ilk deconstructs the sound of dungeon synth and through many variations and permutations works with the sound as an alchemist would drinking possible poisonous materials.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
El Santo is the name of a seemingly one off project from the musician Grimdor. Grimdor makes music under many names and Dark Sorcery Records seems to be a haven for all of the strange magic they do. This releases is inspired and dedicated to Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta, known professionally as El Santo, who was one of the, if not the, most famous Mexican luchadors / actors of all time. El Enmascarado de Plata takes its title from the 1954 horror movie of the same which sees El Santo as “a crime-fighting duo known as El Enmascadero de la Plata, ( The Silver Mask), and his adolescent sidekick Pecas (Freckles), as they take on a murderous Mad Doctor and an evil gang-leader called El Lobo,(The Wolf).” This is usually not the territory of dungeon synth but the care and adoration makes the very broken lofi sounds of the synth come alive with charm and wit. El Enmascarado de Plata might be a one time project unless there is a larger interest in lofi DS venerating wrestling stars of the 50’s and 60s. If that time comes I would be the first in line to buy a ticket.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
This is a Swedish act with the same name as the Canadian Antediluvian on NWN. Bands can do whatever they want but I feel the market for black / death with the name Antediluvian is already crowded. Vengeance Marches in Sacred Flames... is the debut demo from the act which has yet to have any information on Metal Archives. What we are given is three tracks which are decent in length are powerful in ferocity. Black / death can be a overbearing at times where you wake up from a haze and ask yourself just how long you have been listening to this wall of noise. Antediluvian manages to break up that monotony with some flair befitting the style. Deep drums, flashy guitar, and of course the vocals which sound like they are echoing from an abyss. This is music for the court of Satan.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
I seem to be finding more raw black adjacent material through dungeon synth searches than the more general new metal release searches. This is fine with me as I get to come across raw Finnish black debut is completely into Tolkien. Mithrandir is mostly a fantasy based project though I suspect some of the non fantasy (maybe?) titles of the tracks are remnants of earlier work. This is fine since a dedicated Tolkien metal project isn’t the most novel of an idea so having something which feels fantasy related but also uses colloquial terms like “välikuolema” is intriguing. Towards the Spires of Dol Guldur is a raw love letter to many themes and throws anything on hand into a melting pot. Black metal, dungeon synth, dark ambient all go and get melted down into a thick murky soup. There is no expectation from the band nor the audience which makes Towards the Spires of Dol Guldur a delightful find that I would have missed had not been in the right search.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
Journey from Melancholy Landscape II is a “compilation of Dark Ambient / NeoFolk / Neoclassical tracks from 2017-2021.” This is the second volume of ambient tracks with the first being a 2017 collection of ambient tracks from 2012-2016. It is a strange thing to only have a relationship with one style of music from an artist. Even though Astarot is a black metal act, these two compilations are entirely in a separate space. This space is contemplative, emotional, and eerily mystical in its foundations. Ambient tracks within black metal records are suppose to set mood and tone and now removed and placed within their own album, that thematic aura echoes off each other. While I enjoy listening to black metal, I am thankful these types of songs can be enjoyed on their own as they possess a personality that can be appreciated. If this type of stuff is interesting, one might be inclined to travel over to the 2023 release De Mystica Silva ad Cosmos which is the same type of atmosphere just added with atmospheric black metal. Astarot seems to deal in the trade of ambience and Journey from Melancholy Landscape II is a testament to that.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
This is a great way to wake up in 2023. Celestial Rot is connected to The Ensemble of Black Magic, a label (?) which hosts projects by dark ambient and raw black acts with awesome names like Phantom Staircase, Bleak Exit, and Isolated Aster Wizard. Celestial Rot is perhaps one of the most harsh acts out of the shadowy troupe and falls in step with the other cool internet atmospheric black metal that sounds like it was run over on the highway a few times. We can all make jokes about production but nailing the raw black sound is sometimes an art and Celestial Rot does it so effortlessly that the songs titles like “Fucking The Black Fingers Mixed In Soot,” feel ominous rather than bizarre even though it still is sort of bizarre. A Chain Around Eternity’s Throat is a premiere example of the “mysterious black metal that could vanish without notice so you probably should talk about it before it goes away” aesthetic.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.
Oh yes, this is where the cool people live. At the moment, The Dungeons and Dragon module The Curse of Strahd is one of the most famous campaigns made possible by the collaboration between a famous adventure setting originally published in 1983, multiple campaigns and associated novels, and perhaps most importantly, robust community support in making the story more coherent. Ravenloft and the lands of Barovia have stoked the imagination of people for decades. Nowhere is this more evident than dungeon synth records inspired by the campaign setting in a time when it the world was still inaccessible to most except for the most learned of the fandom.
Corvus Neblus has released two EPs. Strahd’s Possession Chapter I in 1999 with a followup Chapter II in 2001. Both releases provide a soundtrack to the world of Ravenloft made at a time when the gothic setting was used in multiple related media. Chapter I was packaged with not only an introduction about the main character, the half elf fighter/mage Nebulus, but also came with a character sheet with ability scores. These facts might lead to the creator of Corvus Neblus using an actual game of Dungeons and Dragons as inspiration for a dungeon synth album or just an adventure setting as a ready made world for a story. Whatever the case, Strahd’s Possession is an early example of escapism made into a world of sound with the entirety of the two releases made into backdrops for a gothic pageant.
Corvus Neblus is better known as Alexandros Antoniou also the participant in black metal projects such as Macabre Omen and Lvcifyre. Alexandros Antoniou’s work in these bands has created a separate reputation with his dark ambient and dungeon synth projects intended as hidden gems for those traveling deep within the mines of records. Strahd’s Possession is a monument for those looking at the origins and tracing the history of dungeon synth from the 1990’s to 2010s. Here is a set of releases which would be on Bandcamp in 2022 but instead is an obscure artifact from a well known black metal musician. The care and calculation heard in the first chapter mixed with the shoehorned dialogue in the second chapter is both fascinating as well as amusing.
Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.