Sometimes one just needs the sound of pummeling death/doom to get them through the week. Spectral Voice represents a small piece in a yet to be recognized Colorado metal scene. Spectral Voice is connected to a series of death and doom bands including Abysmal Dimensions and Blood Incantation. While there are of course other bands from Colorado, this small blanket of misery is what is currently most interesting. Perhaps this is the first experience, for many, with Rocky Mountain Death.
Necrotic Doom is the band’s third demo in only two years. In fact, I am sort of surprised their initial self titled demo escaped my radar but suffice to say I am happy to have caught their third. Spectral Voice is initially interesting because of their dedication to slow moving, almost funeral style, doom. Combine this with wet death growls and one is left with death/doom played in the traditional style circa the early 1990’s. Additionally, the atmosphere added to the end of songs like “Rotting Auras” makes the entire demo hilariously fun. Though this demo is only 20 minutes, the creep of rot and demise feels like it lasts an eternity.
It wouldn’t be fair to call Spectral Voice a throwback band despite their love for old school theatrics. The opening of “Horrid Phantasm” drips with reverence to death metal titans of yesteryear, yet much like other contemporaries, the band does not get mired in costuming. Necrotic Doom maybe easy to place stylistically but the band is more that capable of striking their own path through this horrid forest.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.