Cruda Sorte is a German band with an Italian name. “Cruel Destiny is the moniker for this black metal band which seems to have come out of nowhere expect for the fact they have already had one full length and demos reaching back into 2006. Maybe out of nowhere but when the opening sounds of “Necrologia” begin playing, it is difficult not to excited or at least spams uncontrollably.
Cruda Sorte has a unique approach to black metal even when, on the surface, things seem to be operating normally. The band’s tempo is cut in half allowing for a more dynamic sound as well as the vocals which are belted in a strangled cry. The band’s more typical atmosphere of gloom and hatred is amplified by not only snarling German tongue but also what sounds like a half deranged banshee. If the idea of black metal has ever felt worn or tired, allow Cruda Sorte to to talk to you for a few minutes out of sight of the general public.
It is difficult to discuss this record as a whole since listening to it requires actually purchasing the tape or CD. The band has been staunch about not having this record stream anywhere which makes actually sampling all of it sort of difficult. Despite this barrier, the promise of not only “Necrologia” but the entirely of the band’s 2014 release makes the possibility of Nekrolog even more palatable.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.