France // Death // Self Released
This is fucking gross. Abhorrent Execration has two demos from 2023. DEMO MMXXIII is the first from April with Death... Doom... Despair... from June. They both have black and red covers which are like a honey trap for people looking for disgusting things. Everything about this demo has a pungent stench of decay from the casual bass to the slowed death riffs. There is little focus here just a carousel of sounds and blasts and sections which all come together to make a carnival of chaos.
US // Funeral Doom // Self Released
This is the only release thus far for Grave Monolith who has a cover that could be any style. I am not surprised at funeral doom though it is a sound which usually does not come in demo form. Rather than a full length albums with a cover with a classical painting on the front, Grave Monolith releases two songs. Though the two songs are 13 minutes each and the whole demo is almost 30 minutes, the brevity allows one to keep interest through the rotting landscapes of misery.
South Africa // Hardcore Punk // Self Released
This album isn’t on the Metal Archives which should be expected as it is a hardcore punk album but with a metal edge. I have always found punk which opens its mind to metal transmissions interesting as it is like a hardcore record which got lost in the woods and comes back with a switchblade and a leather jacket. There are some killer riffs and anthems on here and they are all fucking evil.
Indonesia // Death \ Doom // Self Released
First search result for this bands name was “ASPHYX.” So close. From my experience many bands from Indonesia which make it across my attention are grind or some some grind adjacent of disgusting. KASPYX’s death / doom is captivating made so even more b the stunning artwork illustrated by the vocalist Isna Maulana “Srvmnation.” This entire presentation is worth your time if you have an interest in SEA bands, death/doom, or a hazardous combination of the two.
US // Raw Black // Cryptic Scield Vault
I usually like to note the label releasing this material even though label could be a term for a nebulous group of four bands from different parts of the country. Cryptic Scield Vaultis just that with a few acts which seems to share members. Interestingly enough all material from Cryptic Scield Vault was released for the first time this year. Dawn’s Reflection is black metal being played from broken speakers and its abrasive nature is a warm blanket for people who enjoy this type of stuff. Loud guitars and a rising halfmoon.
Canada // Black \ Punk // Mouth Of Madness Tapes
Once again not on Metal Archives but once again apart of the punk and hardcore universe. Lots of cool things happens in Canada like when all of the noisy bands get together and make music that scares away neighbors. Throe features members of (ex/current members of Spectral Wound, Hashed Out, Blood Sacrifice but leans more on the hardcore sound than the black. This is at least the first song as the demo is being released in two days and I always sem to write about things a few days before they are fully released.
Norway // Black // Self Released
I usually get weirded out when I see runes and artillery on a black metal cover. Nidvinter though makes extra sure to expose anti fascist beliefs both on the Bandcamp AND the album cover. Nidvinter comes from another Norwgian black act called Hexenkeit which only existed for one year before reforming as Nidvinter. There seems to be some overlap as Nidvinter also produced a lot of singles and demos throughout 2022 and 2023. DEMO MMXXIII comes alongside another EP which is full of misanthropic sludge.
US // Death \ Black // Self Released
Take a trip through Boston area extreme metal and you will perhaps run into Joey Cinz who is at the center of a lot of bands. Perverted Majesty is the death / black act which is the blasphemous early US black style entry into the cosmology which seems to have celestial bodies made of hash. DEMO MMXXIII is a roaring time which despite it being one person playing everything sounds like a fun time looting the local church.
Finland // Black // Self Released
You know that thing I said about runes on album covers. Anime pictures on metal covers gives me the same hesitation. Alucard is alright though and Pale Fallen Angel (DEMO MMXXIII) is nothing but a goo time in the Castlevania universe. Looking at other album covers prior to this demo one can finally understand the aesthetic. One understands even more with ornate black metal played from a dungeon basement sound which echoes from this record.
Poland // Black // Self Released
Ha, I tricked you. This is PROMO MMXXIII. I know I am a pretender. Trüciciel started out as a black punk act which sung about Satan and graves then turned into a less punk but still present black metal act which sings about Satan and Graves. I am glad for the consistency. PROMO MMXXIII is a fun 10 minute fall through the broken spires of a vampire castle.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.