Holyarrow – Oath of Allegiance [China, Black] (2016)

Self Released | 1-16-16

Self Released | 1-16-16

It is difficult to discuss Holyarrow or at least partially be intrigued by Holyarrow without mentioning that the project is a Chinese one man outfit. Regional identity does play a part in initial impressions especially when the region is not know for its extreme metal exports. China has already been somewhat discussed with black metal with the very excellent Pest Productions and their varied discography. China has also been in discussion to identity when bands misrepresent themselves for ulterior motives. I believe we can be genuine in saying that Holyarrow is from China and plays black metal and if that is not the case, I going to quit writing metal articles and focus on Magic the Gathering content.

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葬尸湖 ( Zuriaake) – 孤雁 (Gu Yan) [China, Atmospheric Black] (2015)

Pest Productions | 10-15-15

Pest Productions | 10-15-15

I know with Zuriaake there are few certainties. Throughout my explorations of East Asian heavy metal, that strange and wonderful things can be found at a moments notice. Finding Pest Productions was a treasure trove of mostly Chinese depressive and atmospheric black metal. Pest Productions got some undue notice last year as being the label which hosted Ghost Bath’s 2014 record Funeral. The fallout regarding Ghost Bath’s regional identiy sort of took away the spotlight to some other great bands that were from China and making black metal. Zuriaake was one of them and at the time, this 3 piece had not made a full length since 2007. Things are different now.

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葬尸湖 (Zuriaake) – 孤雁 (Gu Yan) [China, Black] (2015)

Pest Productions | 3-28-15

Pest Productions | 3-28-15

A few years ago, I wrote an article on Chinese depressive and atmospheric black metal specifically centered around the label Pest Productions. The label had a treasure trove of wonderful bands from China and also surrounding areas. 葬尸湖 (Zuriaake), 黎明的幻象 (The Illusion of Dawn) , Культура Курения (Smoking Culture), 阴暗之泉 (Dark Fount), and 墓 (Tomb) were some of the bands that came with gloomy album covers with characters scrawled on the front. China, and also Pest Productions has grown in recent months specifically with the weird identity mixup related to US black metal act Ghost Bath. Whatever intentions and misconceptions are related to Ghost Bath and its creators is moot as China is still an interesting place for horrid sounding black metal. If you are new to Chinese black metal, why not start with a release that you probably can not ever get.

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Ghost Bath – Funeral [China, DSBM] (2014)

Self Released | 2-14-14

Self Released | 2-14-14

Jesus fuck. Alright, well I have already stated my immense interest in Chinese atmospheric black metal even to the point of tracking down the man behind Pest Productions. However, It has been awhile since I checked back into new releases. Before this review, I found some assorted splits such as the Happy Days / Kanashimi release The Great Depression II which suggested a larger Asian Depressive Suicidal Black Metal (DSBM) scene or at least a push happening in Japan. Ghost Bath is the first band I found which has caused enough reason for pause. Whether or not it is the complete veil of despair or the horrific vocals, but Ghost Bath shakes its listeners to their mortal coil.

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