Mefitic – Woes of Moral Devotion [Italy, Black / Death] (2015)


Nuclear War Now! Productions | 4-30-15

Nuclear War Now! Productions | 4-30-15

Mefitic is from Italy and has not had the largest reception following a handful of demos and EPs. In fact, Woes of Mortal Devotion is the band’s debut LP following almost 10 years of existence. Whether or not the band was taking their time crafting the perfect debut or just busy with other projects is secondary to the fact that Woes of Moral Devotion is a horrifying introduction to a band which has spent their time channeling raw darkness.

Mefitic follows the recently popular tradition of cavernous sound. Compared to the band’s last EP, Columns of Subsistence in 2012, the production for Mefitic has doubled if not tripled. With this jump in production, the band has also highlighted their sinister atmosphere. Take this and add to the fact each of the songs are a manageable yet satisfying length of 5-6 minutes and one has a black/death record which is both devastating as much as it is entertaining.

From the opening set of tracks, Woes of Moral Devotion sounds and feels like a record which will have lasting power throughout the year. The fact that Nuclear War Now is supporting the record gives hope that it will reach a modicum of recognition if not become a runaway hit. While the band has a while to go until reaching the status of underground favorites like Dead Congregation, Mefitic has the possibility of becoming crowd favorites. I mean, who wouldn’t want to subscribe to an eternity of raw darkness? I know a few people already who would love this.