I can say with certainty I have loved everything the Dutch label Haeresis Noviomagi has released. I can say this since it has only been two cassettes. they have been really good cassettes though. the last Haeresis Noviomagi cassette was Lubbert Das, a particularly mind melting black metal which seemed to be dedicated to an old Bosch painting. Turia follows Lubbert Das in continuing the undercurrent of harrowing Dutch black metal which sounds like the last bastion of sanity being razed to the ground.
There are two things which are sort of working against Turia. One is their name is one letter away from a more popular band name who has no relation, stylistically to their sort of music. Secondly, they are classified as atmospheric black metal which at times glances over the intricacies this record offers. There is sure many instances of atmosphere even with songs that reach 10 minutes. However even with these aspects, songs like “Ascese” is cut from a different horrid cloth that what is assumed to be lighter and transcendental black metal. There is grit which digs itself under nails for each of these songs. Even slower tracks like “Zuiverheid” have a sundering qualities which dismantles everything hopeful and bright allowing the darkness to overcome the earth.
If Haeresis Noviomagi continues releasing cassettes like this, they are in line to being one of the most consistent black metal producers in contemporary times. Though 2 out of 2 is still early, I have high hopes for this distributor/label and any vile things they decide to throw out into the the world. It is the holidays after all and these things would make great gifts for the people who work in your office.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.