The Pacific Northewest is always a place where I like to keep my ear out for up and coming bands. Since the fall out of the Cascadian wave which sort of overtook this area, there have been great developments in black metal which do not rely on album covers with trees and waterfalls. Spektral Hatchery is another wonderful band out of Washington which explores the atmosphere of black metal in hypnotic dissonance.
There is madness in Spektral Hatchery’s debut full length. Aside from not warming up with any demos, the music in this 30 minute album pushes against the borders of the real. Songs like “Trans-Temporal Being” push past the 10 minute mark and feel like an ascension into astral realms against one’s will. Other songs like “Psycosmic Immersion” spend half of their time in a dissonant haze before crashing through windows and rolling around in broken glass. If Spektral Hatchery can be thought of as transcendental, this music is the result of find something unknowable on the other side.
To be honest, the name sort of sold Spektral Hatchery before even listening to the music. Now after hearing their debut, the sound is quite fitting to the imagery of a supernatural breeding ground for flying specters. On the surface, Spektral Hatchery’s raw production may seem unfinished but the rough edges gives this debut the frenzy it needs to transcend from good to frightening.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.