March comes in like a unholy desiccated lion and out like a thunderclap. I think I got that right. Repulsive is difficult to search for as they share a similar sounding name with a classic and pioneering death metal band. If you do manage to find this UK based Swede worship band, then you are in for a horrid creation. With everything in the right place, The Flesh Domain EP is one of the more entertaining death metal releases of the year if nothing else than for surgical precision.
One of my only complaints about this EP is the odd placement of the first track as its 8 minute slow tempo does not properly illustrate how raucous the music is for the rest of the release. “Amongst the Grave” is a fine track complete with riffs that dot the landscape like tombstones but comparatively to the fast paced horror fest which is on the rest of the release, it feel out of place. Perhaps this is just me trying to look for things to be critical with as this release is above and beyond fantastic.
From top to bottom, The Flesh Domain is an outstanding release which both captures the excitement of riff based death metal but also does not get too bogged down by aesthetic. There is room for guitar solos as well as skeletons hiding behind those various tombstones. Death metal can be fun and similar to a party at some abandoned shack in the woods that is located near that cemetery we were just talking about.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.