I was hesitant on putting the raw black tag on this record since I wasn’t sure. Do not get me wrong or misunderstand, the world of Akatharsia is built from bricks of noise and discomfort as their debut record constructs a citadel of torment and unease. I was hesitant on putting the raw black tag on this record since the band also crafts a fine groove with all of these unpleasant elements.
Even though this band has had releases before this moment, No Generation Without Corruption seems like a perfect place to start for an outfit that has a lot to say in very loud tones. With a slant towards desolate hardcore and post punk, Akatharsia manages to corral various hades of demise into one record. Songs like “Length of Rope” exhibit a thoughtful strand of antisocial behavior which pairs nicely with the records spiral into noise drone. By the closing track of “Groveling Towards Oblivion,” the band successfully bums out the entire party with talk of decomposition and decay.
Akatharsia’s debut is enough to raise interest in a world where genres matter less than actions. The band manages to capture the imaginations of listeners and expose them to a world where things may not work out with their best interests in mind. Violent, irrational, and full of dread, No Generation Without Corruption is one’s Id that has has gone completely off the rails.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.