Alright. Fine. Im interested. when I can not find any information on the band or album and it comes steeped in mystery and occult sensibilities, I am embarrassingly in love with it. It certainly helps when the music is a swirling void of focused chaos and well planned ruin. This is where we are with DSKNT, a band that is running on spirits of ghosts and anticipation.
From what I can gather, DSKNT is a project from various musicians in the Swiss black metal scene. Bands like Antiversum, AION, Necrosemen, and probally various others. Like most projects of this nature, there is little information and DSKNT has even gone so far as only release a few songs from an upcoming record. I know. It is 2017 and here I am actually waiting for a record to be released as the previous two “singles” have been nothing short of brilliant. For anyone into swirling atmosphere and the darkening skies of the esoteric, you an wait right here with me.
there has to be a time when the no information mystery band aesthetic will get old but I am still waiting for this time. Since doing this blog, the mystic of not being able to find things certainly makes it more attractive. This could obviously mean that lots of people miss ones album but for the few who do peer around the corner, the shock and horror is unimaginable.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.