There is something completely comforting about Slomatics. Perhaps it is the album cover influenced by vintage pulp sci-fi. Perhaps it is the thundering riffs or the droning atmosphere. Perhaps, even still, it is the levity in which the band seems to sport despite their music being caught in an avalanche of riffs. Whatever it is, Slomatics have descended through the ages to cast the world in hazy yet enjoyable style of cosmic doom.
Slomatics experienced perhaps their first glimpse of recognition with the 2011 split with now up and coming stoner doom act Conan. Slomatics even put out a full length in 2012 which saw less than worthy praise. Estron, for what it is worth, is acting as a first introduction for many to a band who has been working hard at destroying everything. With songs like “Lost Punisher” and the 10 minute closer “The Carpenter,” Slomatics has more than enough selling points to sway fans of escapist doom. There are few surprises contained within but this never takes away from being a great 40 minute reason to get lost inside your head.
Sometimes I root for lesser known bands especially ones that seem to deserve more praise than what they have already received.Estron is a fine record with both technical prowess and above average production. Additionally, the artwork is done by one time Disharge member Tony Roberts who also did the covers for Conan. Everything for Estron feels refined and focused despite being made out of a mountain of iron ore. I wish Slomatics the best of luck in the future as the band pairs well with other stoner doom acolytes who seem to pray to the same saints of unearthly slowness.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.