Flesh of the Stars – Hosanna [US, Stoner Doom] (2016)

Self Released | 1-19-16

Self Released | 1-19-16

I do not cover a lot of doom. I think I cover even less stoner doom. This is not becasue I feel the style is without merit rather the imagery does not grab me as much as black and death metal. It takes a certain angle on stoner doom to grab not just me but anyone that isn’t specifically looking for that style. I want to pay attention to more doom this year as I feel there are some great bands hiding behind dark columns of smoke. If 2016 is going as well as Flesh of the Stars second record, I may be more persuaded to stay.

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Lizzard Wizzard – Lizzard Wizzard [Australia, Stoner Doom] (2013)

Self Released

Self Released

I usually like to focus on music from the current calendar year but something about Lizzard Wizzard spoke to me. I do not know what it was. Maybe it is the cassette package which comes with a d20, doob tube, and patch in addition to a green cassette. Maybe it is because the band seems to give zero fucks about fitting into a serious role. Maybe it is because there are sometimes when heavy stoner doom is the best thing to listen to. Maybe it is because the band does exceptionally well when given a task. Actually, I think it is the d20. That is pretty amazing.

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Slomatics – Estron [Ireland, Stoner Doom] (2014)

Head of Crom Records | 2-3-14

Head of Crom Records | 2-3-14

There is something completely comforting about Slomatics. Perhaps it is the album cover influenced by vintage pulp sci-fi. Perhaps it is the thundering riffs or the droning atmosphere. Perhaps, even still, it is the levity in which the band seems to sport despite their music being caught in an avalanche of riffs. Whatever it is, Slomatics have descended through the ages to cast the world in hazy yet enjoyable style of cosmic doom.

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Ethereal Riffian – Aeonian [Ukraine, Stoner / Doom] (2014)

Mulligore Productions | 2-25-14

Mulligore Productions | 2-25-14

Lets us get this out of the way. Ethereal Riffian is sort of a silly name unless you can shrug it off as stoner humor. From the now popular country of Ukraine comes Ethereal Riffian which wants nothing more than to add to the universe unearthed by bands like Sleep and Ufomammut. The band is seeing their 2014 debut released on cassette through distribution by Tarturus Records. I quite like the new artwork as the black and white balance is more appealing than the band’s first album art which looked like a cover for a DMT documentary.

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