Yikes! From Oregon comes a split which is sure to rip the head off of whatever stands in your way. Hell and Mizmor are two sludge doom acts who has chosen to combine effort in order to finally extinguish the sun for all eternity. The self titled split for the two is split evenly between 15 minute tracks which for doom based genres is almost expected. through 30 minutes the listener is given treat of doom, gloom, and merciless forlorn in a land now shrouded in eternal darkness.
Aside from a particular melodic introduction by Hell on their track “Foetorem Timere,” the rest of the song, as well as release is downright vampiric in its ability to drain all hope and light from whatever room it plays. The vocals for both Hell and Mizmor resemble a screech which perfectly compliments the trudging atmosphere in the same way horrid bird creatures pull equally wretched carts across landscapes of rot. These are the types of things created by the music. Both songs are designed to flow into each other leading to a two act play where Mizmor’s “Epistemological Rupture” leads the listener further into perdition with swirling madness now hangs heavy overhead.
Both Hell and Mizmor are fronted by one man creators which result in a split of personal journeys into distant lands. I have already expressed my admiration for one man metal acts and Hell and Mizmor not being bedroom black metal is equally intriguing. The quality which is contained on both halves is astounding given the price and also general obscurity for both acts. This split allows one to trawvel furthur into local and regional scenes. The one man fronting Mizmor makes up one half of the previous reviewed Oregon based black metal act Urzeit. There is something terrible happening in the northwest ands it isn’t pine scented rather the smoldering sulfuric vortex of the a nether plane.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.