Holyarrow – Oath of Allegiance [China, Black] (2016)

Self Released | 1-16-16

Self Released | 1-16-16

It is difficult to discuss Holyarrow or at least partially be intrigued by Holyarrow without mentioning that the project is a Chinese one man outfit. Regional identity does play a part in initial impressions especially when the region is not know for its extreme metal exports. China has already been somewhat discussed with black metal with the very excellent Pest Productions and their varied discography. China has also been in discussion to identity when bands misrepresent themselves for ulterior motives. I believe we can be genuine in saying that Holyarrow is from China and plays black metal and if that is not the case, I going to quit writing metal articles and focus on Magic the Gathering content.

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Cruda Sorte – Nekrolog [Germany, Black] (2016)

Nihilistische KlangKunst | 1-1-16

Nihilistische KlangKunst | 1-1-16

Cruda Sorte is a German band with an Italian name. “Cruel Destiny is the moniker for this black metal band which seems to have come out of nowhere expect for the fact they have already had one full length and demos reaching back into 2006. Maybe out of nowhere but when the opening sounds of “Necrologia” begin playing, it is difficult not to excited or at least spams uncontrollably.

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OLDBLACK – Spiritual Prison [US, Black / Death / Noise] (2016)

Self Released | 1-2-16

Self Released | 1-2-16

I have noticed that I do not cover a lot of stoner doom on this site mainly because that sort of aesthetic does not interest me. This does not mean there are not great stoner doom bands out there rather other things are more attractive. If I were to look at things which excited me most over the past few years it would be absolute grimness reaching obliteration. Spiritual Prison is not something which comes along very often and when it does, it redefines what extreme metal can be. What OLDBLACK intends to do is destroy by any means necessary.

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