Khanus – Rites of Fire [Finland, Death / Avant] (2016)

Self Released | 2-11-16

Self Released | 2-11-16

I maybe way off base but this is fucking weird. Wait, that is not way off base. This is fucking weird. I hesitate stepping into this because this is so weird that it is bordering on exhilarating and terrifying. Khanus is from Finland and that is about the extent of my own knowledge as all searching on the internet brings people to the Bandcamp page. As of writing this review, there is only a Facebook and Bandcamp associated with the band. Sure this lack of inforamtion is not a stretch in terms of underground metal but by just listening to this short EP, it sounds like the band and has the world to say.

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Wederganger – Gelderse Drek [Netherlands, Black] (2014)

Self Released | 1-1-14

Self Released | 1-1-14

I believe, more than anything, it was the aesthetic which drove me into the rotting arms of this Danish black metal band. Though this band’s demo only comes in two songs, the combination of decent black metal, low baritone crooning, and shrill banshee vocals was enough to sit down and listen to whatever they were saying. Add to this the absolute devotion to Germanic folklore and undeath and they could say anything they wanted and I would be enthralled. Gelderse Drek was released earlier this year but is now seeing release by a small company called Daemon Worship. Thank the floating crypt ghasts this release did not go unnoticed.

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