Crypt Walk – Rot Gut Prophecies [US, Grind / Death] (2020)


Self Released | 6-5-20

I love this so much. It is so nasty and possibly out of the realm of heavy metal but it doesn’t matter one bit. Welcome Crypt Walk, a grind / death (?) three piece that wants nothing more than to dump cinder blocks on you from the top of an abandoned warehouse. Rot Gut Prophecies lies on the outskirts of punk / hardcore / grind / death metal and has been rolled up in a carpet and now is crawling with slugs. The gross imagery is part and parcel for a record that is short in its execution but leaves a stench lingering in your nostrils even after walking away from it.

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Cenobite – Soul Torn Apart [Russia, Death] (2020)


Self Released | 6-6-20

I think this is one of the few times I am 100% with the music even if I have some criticisms about the aesthetic. I do not think Soul Torn Apart fails in its aesthetic rather I feel a band devoted to Hellraiser could be more arcane with its song titles. I only mention this since the more generic album and song titles do not reflect the absolute monster of a release this is as Cenobite channels old school death like they were summoning devils in a lab. Riffs like spires and an attitude which drags across the floor, Soul Torn Apart is one of the nastiest demos in recent memory and I almost passed it over.

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Karst – Genesis of Nervous Decay [US, Death/Doom/Grind] (2020)


Self Released | 6-1-20

“A portion of the profits from this EP will be donated to Mental Health America of Los Angeles in an effort to aid those suffering from anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, and all struggles of mental health.” The small piece of text which accompanies this release is wholesome and shines a soft light on an otherwise obliterating release. If one has spent time with heavy metal, they will know the thoughts and escapist idealizations of the music is separate from the lifestyles of the musicians. This isnt to say the two do not cross over nor are musicians immune from the troubles of reality. This is why I find it interesting when musicians reach out beyond their own thematic veil and even though this is a small, and crushing, death/doom band from the US, little gestures like this make the whole of this release deeper than initially thought.

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Ritual Mass – Abhorred in the Eyes of God [US, Death] (2020)


Caligari Records | 6-19-20

I have said it before, and Ill say it again — If any record label could have a blind subscription where I would pay X amount of money to be sent new tapes monthly, I think Caligari would be the my first choice. Over the years, this label has consistently dredged up some of the grossest and sustainably death/black/? in recent memory. They have become so consistent that sharing Caligari links to friends sort of becomes expected as the hyperlink is usually a signpost to something vile and riffy. Ritual Mass is no different with a makeover of their 2019 EP in resdesigned tape artwork and presentation. I know this came out in 2019 but most of us are hearing it for the first time so we are just going to let that slide down some slimy catacomb where devils devour the dead.

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Maniac – Managed [US, Grind / Death] (2020)


Self Released | 5-5-20

“Recorded in choice.” Aside from the color palette of the cover, I enjoy the whole vibe of Maniac. This demo(?) is perhaps the living essence of not giving a fuck and that feeling firing like artillery shells. When Managled gets going, one is given the experience of 90’s style death just caffeinated and forced to watch more gore films than comfortable with. Maniac is perhaps a wonderful herald for times when things are uncertain and this is just a screaming harbinger for impending doom.

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Pyre – Chained to Ossuaries [Russia, Death] (2020)


Memento Mori | 4-27-20

Before we begin, this is a full length scheduled to come out on Memenoto Mori on April 27th, which was a few days ago. There is no current option to purchase, support, or even own a digital copy of this sample (?). This makes it a little frustrating since this release is crispy and rotting at the same time. Russian death is not unheard of rather is exists dwarfed by other underground genres coming from the country — nameley black metal. This is why when Pyre presents a slick old school worship in the same vein as Massacre or Pestilence, it is going to hit harder than normal. This is what I want from my death metal, something that comes with the force of a rusty tire iron.

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Writhing Shadows – Demo [US, Death] (2020)


Self Released | 4-20-20

Its funny that the idea of knuckledragging death has become a term or idea of affection that the dumber and ruder the riffs are the better quality the music. I do not know what lies on the otherside of kuckledragging death but for now, we are going to roll with the hairy punches and embrace the primitive or death metal with zero table manners since at the end of the day, the riffs on Writhing Shadows are obscene and the experience is rude and fascinating.

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Nekrovault – Totenzug: Festering Peregrination [Germany, Death] (2020)


Ván Records | 3-27-20

I believe it was one of my online friends who said they loved this 30 seconds in by the sound of dragging chains. There is sometimes a moment when you know you will love a record. It calls to you with open arms of the right aesthetic, band photos, and song titles. I have joked about the decline of basement death which came at the decline of cavern death. this is all funny until there is a constant stream of great cavern/basement death records being released. Nekrovault is not just another festering slab of riffs and attitude rather they are one of the more effective slab of riffs and attitude in recent memory and makes me want to worship at the festering altar of chaos.

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Chaotian – Festering Excarnation [Denmark, Death] (2020)


Extremely Rotten Productions | 3-20-19

I enjoy how death metal is continuing to be ill and rude even after its slight bump in popularity a few years back. the fact that people are still making gross sounding sewer sludge that has run off from outer world is warm and endearing to my soul. Festering Excarnation is a compilation of two demos that were released in 2018 and 2019. I do not think either of these saw a tape release nor a wide audience. Festering Excarnation comes with the benefit of awesome art fitting of the sound and also a tape release from Extremely Rotten Productions. We will consider this the start for this band and open our arms to welcome the filth.

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Deconsecration – Demo [US, Death] (2020)


Caligari Records | 6-12-20

Even before I saw this release was from Caligari, I was into it. The art, the name, and the sound all point to one thing which is dripping death metal. From a very short history, this style of rotting death is on the downswing after its surge in popularity a few years ago with bands like Blood Incantation and Tomb Mold. This does not mean there still isn’t great death that smells like loam and caskets rather if you have trampled this far out into the woods, you are going to be here for this anyway so here is your shovel. Lets get digging.

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