Celestial Sanctuary – Mass Extinction [UK, Death] (2020)


Redefining Darkness | 8-28-20

Right now I am going to be talking to the three of you that recognize that this demo was released late year year and is thus not apart of 2020. I know and you know but for the rest of us that missed this short slab of looming riff worship. Aside from having one of the best names in recent memory, Celestial Sanctuary nails the related tags of kneeling at the altar of Benediction and Cancer with a short demo of horror and laid back decay. This demo is seeing another round of promotion on Redefining Darkness with a chance to get their out of print tape that was limited to 25 copies.

ABREACTION – Puer Aeternity [US, Death] (2020)


Aggressively Uninterested } 7-30-20

This is so funny and amazing and only for a few people to enjoy. I do not know where to start. Perhaps the comedic nihilism with the label name or the fact the cover looks like a shirt or the fact this demo? is so arrogant in its raw disgust that it’s imperfections are at the core of its charm. ABREACTION is apart of a label/ collective that seems to be hellbent on crushing the idea of beauty between its slimy claws. Ostentatious and presumptuous, this is death metal that has crawled its way out of a hole and now is coming in and tackling people in broad daylight.

Question – Reflections of the Void [Mexico, Death] (2020)


Chaos Records | 7-31-20

Bright psychedelic covers be dammed, this is some decent stuff. Question was a surprise a few years ago with the release of their 2018 self titled EP. The twisting death metal sound which sounded like non euclidean staircases was a surprise and part and parcel for Caligari Records. Reflections of the Void brings back this band I almost forgot about with full mind bending horror that uses riffs and grooves as instruments of destruction with a sound that is commanding much like the festooned album cover.

Eternal Rot – Putridarium [UK / Poland, Doom / Death] (2020)


Self Released | 7-6-20

Let the filth rain. If the stark black and white near cartoon cover was not enough indication, Eternal Rot’s second release is going to be akin to reading a horror comic with black and white gore strewn among its pages. Eternal Rot is a cross country collaboration between Polish and English musicians who have found a common language if filthy riffs. Putridarium is the second full length from this act even though their full lengths are only a few long tracks. There is no time down here in the torture chamber of eternity.

Fleshdriver – Leech [US, Death] (2020)


Redefining Darkness | 7-31-20

Full support for a new (old) sound of death metal/ As much as I appreciate and laud the grime ridden sound of basement death metal, something different is always appreciated. From the lands of Florida comes an unabashed Swedeath Dismember era style death and for all of its worship succeeds in a demo that is gross, rude, and incredibly fun to listen to. 100% devoted to the Boss HM2 sound, Leech may not be breaking new ground but this familiar trail is something that works more often times than it realistically should.

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Phthisis – Embodiment of Decay [US, Death] (2020)


Self Released | 6-22-20

This is rotten. Well, I guess that is the point. Phthisis is named after the deity of rot and decay and has even put that deception as the demo title. Along with a cover that exudes rot and a sound that sounds slimey, this act is ready to be disciples of doom smoked death metal riffs that is as dark and dank as the basement in which all of this stuff is created. I love this sound and despite the band not really breaking any new ground, Embodiment of Decay is a fantastic demo from a competent set of individuals who may or may not be skeletons playing in a band.

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Saccular – Excrescence Odium [US, Brutal Death / Grind] (2020)


Self Released | 6-20-20

These genres are usually something I do not seek out on my own. Brutal death has its history and style which has grown to be something that is for certain people. I am not one of them. This does not mean I do not enjoy the face first dive into gross subject matter rather to do so has to be done with some tact and reservation. I cant believe I’m talking about tact with this style of music but Excrescence Odium circumvents the ordinarily sexual pathology of brutal deaths history with a half of a split that explores the outer body experience of abstract torment. The music on this split is less a collection of songs rather sheets of slime that drown the listener and while I propped up the high concept notion of the music, the Bandcamp picture is still the creator on a hood with an axe. This is goregrind that doesn’t chop at the lowest hanging fruit but rather twists and deforms itself into something unrecognizable and wonderful.

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Torture Tomb – Killing to See How It Feels [US, Death Metal] (2020)


Transylvanian Tapes | 6-6-20

First of all I would like to give this band 10 points for their name as it is really cool. Second of all I would like to give this band 5 points for artwork. Last of all, I will be scattering points here and there for riffs that are scattered throughout this EP. Torture Tomb is listed as “Blackened Death Metal,” so I will throw that out there despite not really hearing black at all in this new EP. Genres though do not matter when you are being flung against the wall by encroaching zombies. Embrace the undead.

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Maim – From the Womb to the Tomb [Sweden, Death] (2020)


Self Released | 2-20-20

Oh man. Here comes the ruckus. Maim is a Swedish band that perhaps goes straight for one of the most obivous worships and that is the deep history of nasty death metal From the Womb to the Tomb may lack points in album titles but makes up extra credit with a release full of ripping riffs. This is what death metal is all about just ominously posing on top of tombstones pointing menacingly at strangers. Also note this album technically came in 2009 but since I’m so hypnotized by the riffs, i sort of forget where I was.

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Pharmacist – Forensic Pathology Jurisprudence [Japan, Death / Grind] (2020)


Self Released | 6-20-20

Holy shit this is messy. I love it. First of all that logo is so nasty I want it on a shirt or at least a backpatch with the album art. Pharmacist’s name and album title is almost as weird as the choice of music since nothing really fits together but in its haphazard chaos, there is momentum for a stellar release of death / grind that cares less about form and more about brute force. If one can get past the snare drum that beats on you with a tire iron, then you are in for a gross disaster that is beautiful in its attitude.

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