All hail Bulldozer Death! This is my personal tag for music that sounds like an unmanageable amount of gravesoil pushed onto a listener at once which slowly becomes their demise. This is what Cryptworm sounds like and it is as fun as it is intimidating. Following their well received 2017 demo, released on Goatpryaer, Cryptworm sets out by themselves to deliver ten tons of gravesoil on hapless victims.
From the beginning of this 11 minute EP to the very end, Cryptworm rarely takes time to rest. No intros, no ambiance, no space to breathe, Verminosis could be the definition of “straight and to the fucking point.” While this EP lacks the atmosphere of other rotting death bands of recent years, Cryptworm makes up for it with some wild and ascertaining riffs combined with the smack to the face with a tombstone attitude. Also the pick slide on “Cadaveric Flesh Engorgement” was one of the most fun experiences I had all day. All hail the sundering of life.

Kaptain Carbon is the custodian of Tape Wyrm, a mod for Reddit’s r/metal, Creator of Vintage Obscura, and a Reckless Scholar for Dungeon Synth.