Nechbeyth – Coerce Creed [Singapore, Black / Death] (2014)

Iron Bonehead | 1-13-14

Iron Bonehead | 1-13-14

Yes, absolutely. Your first experience with the Singapore band Nechbeyth should most definitely be this short EP. This is not to say the band’s debut album Blood.Axis.Domination lacks in quality rather Nechbeyth’s brand of dissonant and structureless chaos is best experience either in short bits or with a licensed counselor who can guide you through the more difficult parts.

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Verberis – Vastitas [New Zealand, Black/Death] (2014)

Iron Bonehead | 4-3-14

Iron Bonehead | 4-3-14

16 minutes is not a lot of time for introductions. I mean what can this short span of time really communicate about ones’ intentions and plans for the future? With so much new music being released everyday, what can 16 minutes do in the face of hundreds of other demos? New Zealand’s Verberis has chosen to take this brief opportunity to make their sound memorable by hypnotizing their audience and showing them a world where black / death can be slightly psychedelic or at least mind erasing. This isn’t usually how I feel when listening to black / death but I will take it as a sign that things, for a little bit, are going to be from the land of strange.

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Nuclearhammer – Serpentine Hermetic Lucifer [Canada, Black/Death] (2014)

Nuclear War Now! Productions |6-1-14

Nuclear War Now! Productions |6-1-14

Well, here we go. I guess it is time to clean up everything with one sweep of destruction. Goodbye world and universe and may you enjoy the aftermath of chaotic nothingness with the sweet sounds of Nuclearhammer. If you ever wanted to remind yourself that yes there is music which abandons all the tenets of structure and consonance then let Serpentine Hermetic Lucifer be a gentle reminder of a place which exists in utter abandon.

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Ritual Decay – The Conquering Darkness [US, Black / Death / Doom] (2014)

Caligari Records | 1-16-14

Caligari Records | 1-16-14

Holy shit, who knew Caligari Records was releasing such wonderful music? The possibility for exceptional black, death, and doom is very real and just hidden under large rocks in Tennessee. Ritual Decay is a doom influenced black / death act with no ties to established bands nor any preceding qualifications. In fact their resume maybe blank with only an overexposed photograph with a wolf in their promo photo. Regardless, The Conquering Darkness is beyond the qualifications for introductions as Ritual Decay firmly plants themselves as one of the best newcomers for 2014.

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Devouring Star – Demo [Finland, Black / Death] (2014)

Sarlacc Productions | 3-2-14

Sarlacc Productions | 3-2-14

Again, I feel that “dates” are sort of up in the air when it comes to demos. Finish black/death act technically self released their demo in December of 2013 but the 2014 pressing by Sarlacc productions feels like an official date. In demo-land, things are hazy and ambiguous but I have a feeling I want Devouring Star’s first demo included in discussions with 2014.

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Lvcifyre – Svn Eater [UK, Black/Death] (2014)

Dark Descent Records | 1-27-14

Dark Descent | 1-27-14

It takes Lvcifyre’s second record, Svn Eater 4 whole minutes to work up to the full tempo heard in the rest of the album. This UK band seems to be taking their time establishing themselves which is fitting as Svn Eater has been somewhat discussed and hyped since late 2013. The partial success in this anticipation rests with Dark Descent being a reliable dealer of particularly grim heavy metal. It also helps as the cover depicts a foreboding landscape of ruin and and destruction. Dark Descent has had a history aof spectacular releases including last year’s sleeping hit Temple Nightside. This year maybe the time for Lvcifyre.

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