Ur Draugr – The Wretched Ascetic [Australia, Black/Death] (2015)

Self Released | 1-5-15

Self Released | 1-5-15

From this moment forward, the visual style of pop surrealism as seen in the work of Jeff Christensen should always be used to compliment the sound of complex black / death. I cant imagine how we have gotten to this moment without it these two walking hand and hand. Though my raving of artwork is to be expected, it is enhanced when I feel the visual compliments the music perfectly. Ur Draugr is a lesser known band from Australia who has taken it upon themselves to release a stellar EP by their own hard working hands.

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Devouring Star – Through Lung and Heart [Finland, Black / Death] (2015)

Daemon Worship Productions | 2-1-15

Daemon Worship Productions | 2-1-15

Devouring Star’s 2014 demo was one of the first releases for Tape Wyrm. It was also one of the first releases which strengthened my interest in lesser known metal. Here was a cassette demo pressed about 200 times and released through two underground labels. Somewhere and somehow this Finish band raked in praise for the demo and anticipation for their first release by Daemon Worship. In a world where black/death can get hyped by its fans, Devouring Star is an act in which you can safely shake with excitement. This shaking can also lead to convulsions.

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Desolate Shrine – The Heart of the Netherworld [Finland, Death] (2015)

Dark Descent Records | 1-13-15

Dark Descent Records | 1-13-15

It takes a large album to have a 4 minute introduction. One must have an enormous sound to justify near 5 minutes of preamble. Despite Desolate Shrine existing for a few years, this Finnish project is swooping into 2015 on the wings of much anticipation and hype. Perhaps it is becasue of the growing appreciation for newer death metal or the fact that Desolate Shrine is a one man act aided by additional vocalists. Perhaps it is becasue the cover for the project’s third release The Heart of the Netherworld looks really cool. Maybe it is becasue of the really long intro. Regardless of any explanation, Desolate Shrine is a storm which is looming on the horizon of 2015.

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Begrime Exemious – Primeval Satellite [Canada, Black/Death] (2014)

Dark Descent Records | 8-31-14

Dark Descent Records | 8-31-14

Yes. Yes. Yes? Yes! Let us get something perfectly clear. Metal comes in many varieties from the very dense and intellectual to the straight emotional and explosive. While I am sure Primeval Satellite has its heady qualities, this new EP from Canada has similar qualities to a case of beer sitting in a bath of ice in a hotel tub. Things are about to go down and none of it is going to pretty in the morning. Oh what is that? Whiskey? Put it right into my beer.

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13th Moon – Abhorrence of Light [Spain, Black / Death] (2014)

Nigrum Serpentis | 3-21-14

Nigrum Serpentis | 3-21-14

Here comes the atmosphere — it rains down in torrents of dark water. Finding 13th Moon was part of my concentrated effort to try and gather all of the stray releases of this year before the end. I had heard rumors of an evil entity emanating from Spain, but I never believed it to be true. As the year draws into its autumn season, the looming shape of despair hangs heavy over the band’s debut full length..

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Obscure Burial – Epiphany [Finland, Black/Death] (2014)

Self Released | 9-15-14

Self Released | 9-15-14

Okay before we begin there is a hurdle to this demo. Not surprisingly the hurdle is the sound production. It is right there. I am making mention of it right away. You are going to have to get over the fact that the demo sounds like a really good live show recording off of a VHS tape. I only make mention of this because the music which is behind this uneven mix is absolutely ground shaking.

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Vesicant – Edict MMXIV [New Zealand, Black / Death] (2014)

Self Released | 6-6-14

Self Released | 6-6-14

Though heavy metal is filled with wonderful examples of artwork, some of the most memorable are ones whose artwork illustrates the music. Vesicant’s artwork for their debut demo depicts a skull or desiccated head obscured by high contrast and shadow. Though Vesicant’s demo Edict MMXIV is under 10 minutes, I can not think of a better cover image to convey horror inflicted by dark shadows.

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Ellorsith – 1959 [ Scotland, Black / Death] (2014)

Calligari Records |9-1-14

Calligari Records |9-1-14

Have you heard any theories surrounding the Dyatlov Pass incident? Maybe? Maybe not? If you haven’t heard anything about this unsolved mystery, which left nine Russian hikers dead in the depths of the Ural mountains, do not feel bad. Neither did I until this Scottish black death outfit told me all about it. I enjoy when a fantastic release also leads me to do research on one of the more bizarre mysteries that has conspiracy undertones. Think of this as an obscure history lesson with underground extreme metal.

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Khthoniik Cerviiks – Heptaedrone [Germany, Black / Death] (2014)

Iron Bonehead | 8-12-14

Iron Bonehead | 8-12-14

If one thing I am thankful for with Heptaedrone, it is the minute long introduction which precedes the actual music. Not only does the introduction set the mood with atmosphere and sound effects but it also gives a brief pause before the world comes collapsing in on itself. Take whatever you can get because there will be no room to breathe for the next 43 minutes.

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Athanatos – Unholy Union [Chile, Black / Death] (2014)

Iron Bonehead | 6-13-14

Iron Bonehead | 6-13-14

Demos are a fantastic display of talent and potential for a limited amount of time. Rather than devoting attention to a full release, a listener can cycle through a catalog of up and coming bands before their introductory debut. I believe this is the reason why so many people get excited for demos especially ones that offer a chance at something unorthodox. Athanatos comes with little information other than a 17 minute demo. The band’s sound may start out traditional but ends somewhere south of depraved. I am thankful for demos as some records need to come in shorter running time lest the threads of mental stability be lost forever.

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