Antichrist Siege Machine – Morbid Triumph [US, Black / Death] (2017)


Self Released | 08-17-17

It seems that I am late with this release as Decibel already picked up the stream for it as well as being out for a couple of months. I should have been more aware as I praised the shit out of their demo in 2016. I should have been more on top of this as this group of ruffians is local to my area and I should have heard them making noise. What began as an independent black / death explosion in the middle of Virginia has quickly wrapped into an underground sensation or at least deathcult centered around the immediate snuffing of life.

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Kapala – Infest Cesspool [India, Black / Death] (2017)


Dunkelheit Produktionen | 11/16/17

Noise is something that I am stopping using as a genre for things that are not strictly noise. While it is easy to gain interest for people, bands that use noise as atmosphere and things that are strictly within the noise genre are very different. With that said, I have no idea where Kapala falls since I have yet to process what I have heard.

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Vesicant – Shadows of Cleansing Iron [New Zealand, Black / Death] (2017)


Iron Bonehead Productions | 7-14-17

I swear to Christ, I found these guys before I noticed they were on Iron Bonehead. Despite my best intentions in digging out disgusting black / death, Iron Bonehead seems to be doing the same with more attuned ears to filth and grime. Whatever the case or whoever first stumbled on this band s irrelevant since there isn’t much left of the world after they are done playing.

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Defecrator / Ritual Genocide – Anti-Human Deathcult/Death Exalted [US, Death / Black] (2017)


Black Plague Records | 2-20-17

I mentioned before, somewhere on this blog about my love for splits and ultimately the reason why I cover so few. Even though splits are a fantastic way to experience multiple bands and cover a wade expanse of underground, splits are unwieldy when it comes to titling. Multiple bands combined with multiple titles and artwork lead to a cataloging nightmare when it comes to organization. The Defecrator / Ritual Genocide split is no different as it has two titles and is going to be difficult to neatly pack away. Perhaps this is how it is meant to be as it is beyond human with its sound and does not really belong, safe, anywhere. Continue reading

Totalitarian – De Arte Tragoediae Divinae [Italy, Black / Death] (2017)


All hail the gloom of tomorrow! It seems odd for an underground band to begin their career with a full length. In a genre full of demos, splits, and EPs, starting with a 56 minute record feels novel in a style where most do not reach that length with their longest releases. Totalitarian is different in the fact they want nothing else than to slowly step on the necks of their listener.

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Muka – Sveta Stoka [Croatia, Black / Death] (2017)


Self Released | 03-07-17

Thanks to Muka for breaking a pretty nice streak of black and white album covers. It is okay, since the cover for Muka’s newest EP comes drenched in pale yellows and cold greys as it really frames a record that is both uninviting and entrancing. I do not know if my translation is correct but the internet tells me the name of the EP comes out to something like “Livestock Council.” This either makes all of the sense or none of it.

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Hypnosinosis – Delirium [Chile, Black / Death] (2017)


Self Released | 1-20-17

I believe it to be this blog’s quest and motivation to find lesser known metal, throughout the year. A large goal and benchmark I have been working towards is finding bands before they have a Metal Archives page or below a certain number of listeners or just online presence. This isn’t some contest to find the most obscure band rather recalibrate my journey through the wretched halls of lesser known heavy metal. Though this search does not turn up gems everyday, if one is patient they will find something truly horrid. Hypnosinosis is one of the winners for January.

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Convulsing – Errata [Australia, Black / Death] (2016)

Self Released | 11-26-15

Self Released | 11-26-15

Convulsing was a surprise this year for many reasons. First of all it came out of nowhere and second of all, this is the first release from an otherwise unknown solo artist from Australia. With a lot of things working against Convulsing, the artists debut is a furious take on black / death with both grooves and horrid abstractions.

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A.S.M. – DEMO 2016 [US, Black / Death] (2016)

Self Released | 9 -27-16

Self Released | 9 -27-16

I get incredulous when things like this pass me by or atleast someone else clues me into its existence. Add to this the fact this band is in the same state as me and the fact that they have an unmistakable album cover plus being a demo and I start to wonder how many other things I have missed out on.

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Ancient Meat Revived – A Tribute To Cold Meat Industry [Black / Death / Ambient] (2016)

Iron Bonehead / Nuclear War Now | 09-01-16

Iron Bonehead / Nuclear War Now | 09-01-16

As the story goes, Cold Meat Industry was a Swedish label founded in 1987 which specilized in some of the more obscure fringe genres of heavy metal including ambient, martial music, industrial, power electronics, and various iterations of noise. Cold Meat is interesting because this loose affiliation with heavy metal because while never being a true heavy metal label has had its memory carried on by metal bands and prominent metal labels. Enter Ancient Meta Revived, a compilation put together by Nuclear War Now and Iron Bonehead to celebrate the ruminating existence of this nihilistic flagship.

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