Dagger Lust – Aggramica [US, Black / Death] (2016)

Vrasubatlat | 7-10-16

Vrasubatlat | 7-10-16

Hype! Hype! Hype! Ever since the 2015 release of Uškumgallu, I have been enthralled by the work of Portland based collective Vrasubatlat. To be quick, a guy from Ash Borer is teaming up with other musicians from the area and making dark noise released in demos and full lengths. If one were to recall the Triumvir Foul LP that was priased by myself and others at the end of last year, that could be your starting point to a misery laden universe of hate and turmoil.

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Artifact of Skulls – III: Luciferian Blasphemy [US, Black / Death] (2016)


a2224752056_16There are sometimes when great things just fall into one’s lap. There are other times when it descends from a tree, with the intent of killing, when you are least expecting. Artifact of Skulls is a black/death/war outfit from somewhere deep within the United States that has been on a 2016 tour of wanton destruction and satanic death. III: Lucerferian Blasphemy maybe the band’s first full length but it is just another chapter of basement/garage level black metal which substitutes all aspects of production for the sheer intensity of chaotic devotion.

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Sacrocurse – Destroying Chapels [Mexicio, Black/Death] (2016)

Iron Bonehead Productions | 1-16-16

Iron Bonehead Productions | 1-16-16

In my various years of reviewing heavy metal records, few times have I ever been unnerved like I was when hearing the opening recorded shrills of Sacrocurse’s Destroying Chapels. The shlocky prerecorded screams of victims quickly drops into a brief 13 minute EP of madness and despair. Sarcocurse is being sponsored by Iron Bonehead for this EP but seems to be supported by Hells Headbanger for others. With those two in their corner, there is nothing but profane blasphemy in their future.

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OLDBLACK – Spiritual Prison [US, Black / Death / Noise] (2016)

Self Released | 1-2-16

Self Released | 1-2-16

I have noticed that I do not cover a lot of stoner doom on this site mainly because that sort of aesthetic does not interest me. This does not mean there are not great stoner doom bands out there rather other things are more attractive. If I were to look at things which excited me most over the past few years it would be absolute grimness reaching obliteration. Spiritual Prison is not something which comes along very often and when it does, it redefines what extreme metal can be. What OLDBLACK intends to do is destroy by any means necessary.

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Barghest – Into Weeping Firmament [US, Black / Death] (2015)

Self Released | 7-3-15

Self Released | 7-3-15

Hot damn, its another release by the wonderfully disturbed act named Barghest. It is always wonderful to see acts which show tremendous promise in the past only to continue doing exactly what they are capable of. I believe I made many mentions of the band’s name and related Dungeons and Dragons imagery as being a goblin like creature hailing from the realm of Gehenna. Since this is the second review, I will refrain from making parallels between such a bad ass creature despite my best wishes.

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Possession – 1585-1646 [Belgium, Black/Death] (2015)

Iron Bonehead | 6-6-15

Iron Bonehead | 6-6-15

Oh that’s cool. What is that? Is that a child being sacrificed by moonlight among a group of armored and robed deviants. Amazing. Is that a bell tolling over the sound of rumbling thunder for an intro? You had me at thunder. There are sometimes when an album cover can tell a story a thousand pages long. Possession’s 6 minute intro into their 24 minute EP comes with such tension and grand celebration that it is hard not to get excited when everything breaks into complete fucking panic.

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Mefitic – Woes of Moral Devotion [Italy, Black / Death] (2015)


Nuclear War Now! Productions | 4-30-15

Nuclear War Now! Productions | 4-30-15

Mefitic is from Italy and has not had the largest reception following a handful of demos and EPs. In fact, Woes of Mortal Devotion is the band’s debut LP following almost 10 years of existence. Whether or not the band was taking their time crafting the perfect debut or just busy with other projects is secondary to the fact that Woes of Moral Devotion is a horrifying introduction to a band which has spent their time channeling raw darkness.

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Negative Vortex – Tomb Absolute [US, Death] (2015)

Caligari Records | 3-18-15

Caligari Records | 3-18-15

Oh got it. This is what the end of reality looks like. Negative Vortex is an American / Brazilian death combo which has little information save for a few snippets on Caligari Records and a few other blogs like CVLT Nation. What is known about Tomb Absolute is that all of the light adjectives such as punishing, pulverizing, and chaotic are apt for this 25 minute demo which is really just a whirlwind of insanity.

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Swarþ – Veneficivm [Unknown, Black / Death] (2015)

Iron Bonehead | 2-27-15

Iron Bonehead | 2-27-15

“There is no contact address, no credits nor pictures of the band.”

Recently there have been conversations about the use of anonymity in heavy metal whether for protection, enhancement, or downright hype. Though anonymity can certainly divorce the music from its creator leaving a dark entity removed, it can also be used as a silly promotional tool. Swarþ (sort of pronounced SwarTH) is an entity which has existed since 2013 without name, country, or any real information. Their releases come without titles and were released by the British label Exitium Productions, In fact, the labels first release was Swarþ’s demo. Despite the layer of anonymity being only so deep, the veil of silence which accompanies Swarþ is certainly enough to chuckle but never enough to detract from the music.

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Death Karma – The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I [Czech Republic, Black/Death] (2015)

Iron Bonehead Productions | 2-13-15

Iron Bonehead Productions | 2-13-15

Even before listening to Death Karma, there is a lot to process. First of all are the members which already inhabit the semi popular Czech act Cult of Fire and Lykathea Aflame. Secondaly, the concept for Death Karma’s debut record, The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I, also gives reason for more attention even before beginning the first track. Instead of easing into the world of black/death, the act has decided to dedicate themselves to a global tour of burial rituals from Slovakia to China. This would already be an interesting prompt for a metal record but the addition of Death Karma’s unorthodox approach to the black/death sound makes it near spectacular.

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